Med en unik tryckmetod försvann deras smärtor.
(Artikel) Publicerad 28/8, 2008 kl. 22:54
After building, living and enjoying a great carrier as a presenter, column writer, educator and speaker in the european fitness industry, Life took me to Sweden in 2004. Being dynamic, enthusiastic, open, curious, motivated and positive, I fought for a rewarding professional life here in Gävle. My own physical problems and the failure of many treatments to fix my problems lead me to a new method, Body Stress Release. It profoundly fixed my physical problems and I directly saw this great opportunity: Importing and starting the Body Stress Release project in Sweden. It added not only experience to my life, but leaves me day after day satisfied for the people I am helping and their happiness to have found BSR.
(Artikel) Publicerad 28/8, 2008 kl. 22:54
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